We are involved in a wide range of research activities, aiming to ensure the views of those with endometriosis are always considered in research. This includes being a partner in clinical trials, helping with PPI (public and patient involvement) to ensure input from patients, reviewing patient materials and helping to recruit study participants. We input into study design, patient information materials and patient surveys and share research surveys.
As well as clinical trials currently recruiting, other examples of research we are currently involved with include:
ADVANTAGE – Advanced Discovery of Visceral Analgesics via Neuroimmune Targets and the Genetics of Extreme Human Phenotype
ADVANTAGE New data hub and research into chronic pain run by a consortium led by Versus Arthritis, Health Data Research UK and Eli Lilly Ltd
The ADVANTAGE consortium aims to improve how we treat people with visceral pain from a variety of diseases, such as endometriosis, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and Polycystic Kidney Disease, focusing on their pain rather than just their underlying disease.
Find out more: See UKRI website.
Adolescent Dysmenorrhoea and Chronic Pain
Overview: Research seeking to understand the role of adolescent dysmenorrhoea as a risk factor for the transition to chronic pain run by the University of Oxford.
Researchers note that period pain (dysmenorrhoea) can be primary or secondary (in association with underlying pathology) and is the leading cause of school and work absenteeism in adolescent girls and young women and that it has been suggested that dysmenorrhoea may be a risk factor for the development of chronic pelvic pain and chronic pain conditions in general.
Find out more: Study is in early stages, more information to come.
Completed Clinical Trials
Overview: Study undertaken by Queen Mary University, which used previously collected data from women who have suffered from endometriosis who may or may not have undergone surgical intervention to build a clinical prediction model to use symptoms as a marker for predicting surgical success.
Find out more: Summary of the research findings.