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Endometriosis UK’s Social Media Moderation Guidelines


This Guideline was last updated in September 2022

The following social media moderation guidelines relate to Endometriosis UK and the Charity’s social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

We welcome comments on our social media channels, and recognise the benefit social media can have for people in our community. Our aim is to keep our social media platforms a safe space to share your experiences, raise awareness, share information on how you can seek support through our support services  and provide information relating to endometriosis and the work of Endometriosis UK.

We reserve the right to hide or delete any comments and block users who repeatedly breach our guidelines.

Monitoring comments

We endeavour to monitor comments as much as possible within our small staff team.

If you spot anything of concern, please email us directly.

Private messages

If you would like to contact us, we’d love to hear from you. Rather than private messaging us on social media where messages can get lost, please email us directly on We endeavour to reply to your email within 3-5 working days.

Medical advice
We cannot provide medical advice. Our Support Network is here to offer those affected by endometriosis the support and information they need to understand their disease and take control. We run support groups across the country in addition to an online group, a helpline, web chat, our online forum Health Unlocked, and provide information resources to help you make informed choices about your healthcare. You can find out more about our support services here.

If you need individual medical advice, please contact your healthcare practitioner.

If you wish to make a complaint, please do so in line with our complaint procedure. You can request a copy of this by emailing Repeated complaints that are made on our social media channels will be removed.

Comment Guidelines
All comments found on our social media pages represent the thoughts of the individual commenters, and not those of the charity.

Inappropriate comments or content may include:

  • Comments that use inappropriate language or hate speech. This includes language that mentions nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class or transphobic content.
  • Unlawful, abusive, libellous, inaccurate or defamatory statements, spam or attacks that could cause harm to another person, whether towards Endometriosis UK or any other person or organisation
  • Comments that are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others.
  • Deliberately disruptive statements made to throw discussions off track and are irrelevant to the post you are commenting on
  • Repeated comments that include complaints. If you wish to make a complaint, please do so in line with our complaint procedure. In these circumstances, we will also reach out to you individually to offer you the opportunity to speak to us about this, before blocking or removing you from our pages.
  • Comments that provide incorrect information on specific treatments or claiming to have a “cure” for endometriosis
  • Comments that criticise or damage the reputation of named medical practitioners or individuals and/or organisations
  • Posts that include advertisements, even if not posted by the advertiser themselves. This includes links to commercial sites and/or product placement
  • Graphic photos or photos that contain nudity
  • Any comments seeking participants for research purposes will be removed unless prior approval has been sought.
  • Comments that suggest you or another person is at risk of any harm including mention of abuse, self-harm or suicide. In these situations, Endometriosis UK will contact the individual with suggestions on where they can seek help. We will remove such comments to safeguard individuals and our community. The Samaritans offer 24 hour emotional support – in full confidence. If you’re in distress and need someone to talk to, you can call 116 123.