This is Amber's Story.
I first noticed symptoms of endometriosis when I was a teenager. The pain during my periods was excruciating and far beyond what I had been told was “normal.” Over time, the symptoms grew worse, affecting not only my physical health but also my emotional well-being and daily life.
Despite the severity of my symptoms, it took me several years to seek medical attention. At first, I was dismissed or told that painful periods were "just part of being a woman". It was only when the symptoms began to interfere significantly with my ability to work, study, and maintain relationships that I pushed for answers.
Even after seeking medical attention, it took a staggering 10 years to finally receive a diagnosis. The journey was exhausting and often felt like an uphill battle. I went through countless doctors’ appointments, inconclusive tests, and misdiagnoses. I was often made to feel like the pain was “in my head,” which made an already isolating experience even more difficult.
When I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis, I also found out I had adenomyosis. I felt a mix of relief and frustration—relief that I finally had an explanation for everything I had endured, but frustration at how long it had taken and how much I had suffered in the meantime.
My experiences with medical practitioners have been varied. While some have been empathetic and supportive, others lacked understanding or dismissed my symptoms. This inconsistency highlighted how little awareness and education about endometriosis exists, even among healthcare professionals.
I discovered Endometriosis UK while searching for resources and support online. The organisation has been a lifeline, providing information, community, and advocacy that have helped me feel less alone in my journey. Their work has given me the tools to advocate for myself and connect with others who truly understand what it’s like to live with endometriosis.