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Welsh Government announces Endometriosis Nurses for all Welsh Health Boards

The Welsh Government have announced that all Welsh health boards now have an Endometriosis Specialist Nurse in post. The role of the new health board nurses will be to raise awareness of endometriosis and improve diagnosis and treatment for the condition in their local health board area.

These new posts are part of the work of the Women's Health Implementation Group, (WHIG) an initiative set up by the Welsh Government in 2018 to address a number of women's health issues including endometriosis. 

Emma Cox, Chief Executive of Endometriosis UK said:

"We welcome the Welsh Government’s announcement that every Welsh health board has appointed an endometriosis specialist nurse. This is an important step forward in reducing diagnosis times and improving care and support, and it’s great to see the Welsh Government proactively taking steps to improve the quality of life for those with endometriosis."

“These new endometriosis specialist nurses will be vital in improving endometriosis services across Wales. We look forward to working with the specialist nurses, health boards and the Welsh Government to improve endometriosis services across Wales.”

There has been some media coverage of the announcement:

BBC Wales - Endometriosis: Wales appoints specialist nurses to each health board (EN)

BBC Cymru - Endometriosis: Penodi nyrsys arbenigol ar draws Cymru (CYM) - New endometriosis nurses appointed to all Wales' health boards to improve awareness and diagnosis