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Support Groups

Guildford Support Group

About this group

The group hope to give all women with endometriosis, their partners and families the support, information, knowledge and shared experience that will help them manage their own condition and make informed decisions about their own healthcare.  We also welcome women of all ages who suspect they may have Endometriosis so please do get in touch or join us for a group. 

General Session Information

We usually meet on the last Monday of every month, for the last couple of years this has been online but we want to start having some groups in person shortly. We support everybody who is impacted by endometriosis in Guildford and the surrounding areas. We can also be contacted via email or Facebook/Instagram so please do get in touch.

Upcoming Support group sessions

There are no upcoming sessions at this time. Please check back again.

Meet the Support Group Leader(s)


Picture of support group leader Amy

I've suffered with Endometriosis symptoms since my teens, numerous visits to the doctors in my 20s and fighting for a diagnostic lap in my 30's, when bowel pains and fatigue reached an out of this world level of pain, finally lead to me having extensive surgery in 2019 for severe endometriosis. I attended my first EndoUK support group meeting in Guildford shortly after this surgery. Wendy made me feel so welcome and the relief of being able to share my story with others that truly understood and to listen to their experiences meant so much to me. I met two lovely ladies at that first meeting I went to, Joss and Imogen, who I now co-run the Guildford support group with.


Picture of support group leader Joclyn

I knew something wasn't normal from a very early age, I remember thinking 'how can it be possible that half the people on the planet are in this level of pain and all look absolutely fine?'  I quickly realised I was different to everyone else and I stopped asking for help, learnt new ways to cope and stayed quiet.  20 years later my pain barrier was smashed, I was eventually diagnosed and things were great for a while - normal even!  Fast forward another 10 years and after fertility issues, lots of hormones and surgeries my bladder and bowel were severley  impacted.  I knew I had to accept that this is a disease so I decided to get involved.  I am so motivated by the power of women with endo and super proud to be a co leader of this group.


Picture of support group leader Imogen

Nobody told me that painful and heavy periods weren't normal so for a long time, I ignored the symptoms and carried on with my life. In 2017, the pain got worse and started impacting my daily life - that's when I knew something wasn't right. My mum had endometriosis so we went to the GP with the plan of not leaving until we had a gynae referral. I was diagnosed via laparoscopy in 2018 and joined the Guildford Support Group in 2019. Wendy and the group attendees instantly made me feel welcome and I was motivated to do more to help other women suffering with Endometriosis. I'm extremely excited about working with Joss and Amy as co-leader of this group! 

Looking for medical advice?

Please be aware that our support service are unable to provide medical advice and can only talk about endometriosis based on their own experience. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP or endometriosis specialist.