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Past webinars

On this page, you will find recordings of webinars on topics related to living with endometriosis. You should always contact your GP or medical practitioner with individual medical questions.

A huge thank you to all of our incredible webinar hosts. You can find and register for our upcoming webinars here. The content of lectures and talks given for Endometriosis UK represent the views of the speakers and not necessarily the views of the charity.

Past Webinars

63 Results

Endometriosis and Mental Health

Speaker: Margreet Hendriks, Highly Specialist Psychologist

We are joined by Margreet Hendriks, Highly Specialist Psychologist and Clinical Lead for the Maternity & Gynaecology Psychology Service at Nort

Endometriosis Specialist answers your questions

Speakers: Fevzi Shakir, Consultant Gynaecologist - Royal Free Hospital and Clare Ewing, Endometriosis UK Volunteer Support Group Leader

A Q&A session hosted by Endometriosis UK CEO Emma Cox and Clare Ewing, Endometriosis UK Volunteer Support Group Leader.

What should be next for Endometriosis Care?

Speaker: Andrew Kent - British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE) President, Director of Gynaecological Surgery and Research at the MATTU & Clinical Director of the MSc in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy at the University of Surrey

In this webinar hosted by Endometriosis UK's CEO Emma Cox, speaker Andrew Kent discusses what should be next for endometriosis care.

Endometriosis and Chronic Pain

Speakers: Bharati Vyawahare Consultant in Anaesthesia and Zoey Malpus - Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Pain Management at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

In this webinar, speakers discuss chronic pain, pain pathways, management options and more.

Endometriosis at Work

Rozie Corbett, Head of Development at Endometriosis UK
Becca Fowles, Marketing Professional & Endometriosis UK Support Group Leader
Sanchia Alasia, Diversity and HR Specialist & Endometriosis UK Support Group Leader

The first in the Menstrual Health at Work series, this webinar explores what endometriosis is, how it affects people at work, and the importance of

Long term pain management

Speaker: Fevzi Shakir, Consultant Gynaecologist at Royal Free Hospital Endometriosis Centre & Arif Ghazi, Clinical Lead in Pelvic Pain at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Endometriosis specialist Fevzi Shakir discusses long term pain management options.

Some of the gynaecological resesarch projects at The University of Edinburgh

Speaker: Priscilla Fernandez, Specialist Research Nurse & Midwife at The University of Edinburgh

In this talk we discuss the ESPriT2 trial which seeks to generate data that will compare outcomes for surgery using excision or ablation.

Surgery and why some may need more than one

Speaker: Liza Ball - Consultant Gynaecoloist at the Royal London Hospital, Barts NHS Trust

Please note: In this webinar it is said that during pregnancy endometriosis is suppressed and it is known to not return during this time.