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Lauren's story

Lauren was diagnosed with endometriosis after a cyst ruptured in her ovaries. Find out how Lauren managed her recovery following a second surgery to treat her endometriosis.

“My first surgery taught me that I had to be very patient with my recovery and very patient with myself in general.”

My experience

I’d been experiencing endometriosis pains for three years, but was not officially diagnosed with endometriosis. One day during my period I woke up in excruciating pain and ended up undergoing emergency surgery. The surgeons discovered that an endometrioma had ruptured in my left ovary and caused an infection. This was when I was given my official diagnosis of endometriosis.

My recovery was very slow following the surgery due to damaged caused by the ruptured endometrioma and the infection. After my emergency surgery I was so worried about having a recurring cyst that would rupture again. It was a scary time because I didn’t feel I was getting much support or answers from the medical community.

Having surgery again

About 6 months later, I had an appointment at a specialist endometriosis centre and it was suggested that I have further surgery as soon as possible to reduce my chances of the endometriosis recurring. After the trauma of the first surgery I really wasn’t looking forward to having a second surgery so soon. However, it was completely different not going into surgery in an emergency situation.

The second surgery was more aggressive – endometriosis wasn’t just present on my left ovary, but also around my colon and vagina – with more tissue and endometriosis being removed than during my first operation. Despite this, I healed much quicker because I wasn’t fighting the infection caused by the fluid of an erupted cyst.

Since having my second surgery, it is estimated that the chance of my endometriosis recurring has been reduced quite considerably.

How I have managed my recovery after surgery

My first surgery taught me that I had to be very patient with my recovery and very patient with myself in general.

I’ve found the endometriosis diet has helped my body heal well. It never prevented my endometriosis pain, but it made me bounce back from surgery and infection much faster than I think I would have done otherwise. So I made sure I have lots of vegetable and legumes while cutting back on sugar, dairy, wheat and red meat.

This journey has been a long and hard one, but I can tell I’m meant to learn how not to be so angry at my body. I used to feel incredibly betrayed by my body and the endometriosis – “How could my own body cause me so much pain and fear?” Now I try not to think about it that way. It’s very much a learning process and much of that is patience: giving my body time to heal physically and emotionally.

- Lauren

Read Lauren's story about how she was diagnosed with endometriosis

Picture of Lauren smiling