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How we work with companies

Endometriosis UK is delighted to work in partnership with companies and other funding partners where such partnerships support our mission. Endometriosis UK has a responsibility as a trusted source of information and guidance regarding endometriosis and menstrual health. We ensure that any partnership or involvement with companies, organisations and public figures does not go before this responsibility. 

When partnering with or receiving project funding from a company we will:

  • Have a written contract, confirming the details of the partnership and commitment to our principles.
  • Ensure companies are subject to due diligence checks and approval processes to ensure no unjustifiable risks are being taken.
  • Review partnerships annually to ensure they continue to fulfil our principles and be of sufficient benefit to those affected by endometriosis.

When accepting support, we will ensure that any such relationships do not affect our ability to operate independently and offer unbiased, medically- informed patient information, nor influence our campaigning, research or fundraising activities. We follow these principles: 

  • All activities are based on the principle of transparency, integrity and openness. No attempt can be made on the part of the companies to influence our policy, direction or action either explicitly or implicitly. 
  • We do not accept support for activities which lie outside of our mission and strategy. Any activity entered into will not compromise Endometriosis UK's independent status. 
  • The information materials produced by the charity will not be influenced in any way by the acceptance of sponsorship. We maintain our editorial independence so that we are free to comment both positively and negatively about companies and their products. 
  • We do not work with companies involved in the manufacture, sale or direct promotion of tobacco, heated tobacco products or e-cigarettes and e-liquid (this does not include places that sell tobacco products such as supermarkets).

Working with pharmaceutical and medical device companies

Pharmaceutical, diagnostic and medical device industries have an important role to play in improving diagnosis and treatment options for those living with endometriosis. As a charity we are pleased to receive support from companies where the activities support our mission and align with our goals. We rely on funding to continue our work to reduce diagnosis times, improve access to treatment and provide support to those affected by endometriosis. 

When working with these types of companies we follow these principles:

  • We ensure that we work with a variety of companies, giving no preference to any one medical company in particular. For projects where the charity receives support from the pharmaceutical or medical device industries, we will, wherever possible, seek support from more than one company for the project. 
  • We do not accept funding from pharmaceutical, diagnostic or medical device companies to support campaigning or lobbying activity. 
  • We are committed to being open about our relationship with companies and will publish details or funding and support received from companies in our annual report.
  • We will not be involved with the marketing promotion of a specific branded drug, diagnostic tool or treatment. We will not directly endorse any third party, its products or services. 
  • We will not generate more than 15% our income from partnerships with pharmaceutical, diagnostic and medical device companies in any given financial year without review by our Board of Trustees.
  • Any pharmaceutical or medical device companies we work with must comply with relevant codes including the ABPI Code of Practice for the pharmaceutical industry and The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Fundraising Regulator and Institute of Fundraising Codes of Practice.

If you have any questions please email